TRURYDERSOLUTIONS.COM students to search for accommodation, rent and manage their bills.

we know how difficult it can be to search for accommodation suitable for students in New York, we have breached the difficult gap by making it stress-free to search for and rent accommodation online, after you have successfully rented a unit online and moved to in, you can begin to manage your rental such as bill payment where applicable, support tickets, accommodation renewal from your account online. 

a.    How to register to join the site 
  • Registration is FREE. Go to your browser address bar and type
  • Locate 'Register' at the top right-hand corner of the site and click it.
  • Fill out the registration form, see the steps i to vii  guide below: 
  1.  First and Last names (these should be your legal names, this might be used to verify your identity before delivering your purchases. The Last name also means surname)
  2. Enter a verifiable email address (You'll receive your transaction in the email)
  3. Password (Use a strong password, at least eight letters long, three capitals, three numbers, one special character, and other letters)    
  4. Confirm Password (Using eight letters or more for your password is recommended, that being said, use a password that you can memorize/remember. Although there's a forgotten password link you can use whenever you forget your password, it is smart to memorize it)          
  5. Terms & Conditions (accept the terms and conditions by checking the box)    
  6. Security "Recaptcha" (attend to the ReCaptcha to prove it's a human registration)    
  7. Click the "Register" button. You'll see a success message that says "Your account has been created successfully!"
    An activation email has been sent to your email address. Please check to activate your account. You should see the activation message in your email inbox, otherwise, check the spam/junk folder other tap messages can drop in your email.
b. Explanation of features and menus in your buyer's account

    After successful registration, simply login to your account at the top right-hand corner of the site, locate your account at the top right-hand corner of the site and click to view the dropdown menu items arranged as below.

    1. Profile: This takes you to your public profile on the site where you can see your Utility, Wishlist, Requests & Complaints, Followers, and Following respectively, only you can see these and are accessible after a successful login.  
    2. Orders: This shows you a list of orders you have placed with sellers of different items
    3. Refund: This is where you can make a refund request, it also shows you a list of all the refund requests you have made and their status.
    4. Messages: This is where you can see and respond to the previous messages you sent to different sellers
    5. Settings: This is where you can update your profile details such as profile image, cover image, name, and contact details. This is also where you can add your shipping address, and social media links and update your password. 
    6. Logout: This signs you out successfully from your account till the next you wish to login

    How to search and rent/order accommodation 
    How to renew your rent
    How to pay the bill